Our staff and elders were encouraged to learn about Jackson County’s entrance into Phase 1 of reopening beginning this Friday May 15th. While entering this phase does not mean that we can meet in person as a church on Sunday mornings, we do view it as a move in a positive direction.
In Phase 1 of Oregon’s reopening plan groups of up to 25 people can now meet, provided they can safely distance themselves. In the coming days we will be using this, as well as other state recommendations, to determine which of our small group activities should begin meeting again. A video detailing our next steps as a church will be released early next week.
We also want to stress the importance of the command to “love one another” during this time, as there are likely to be differing opinions about how to return to these small group meetings. We encourage you to continue to be respectful, honoring, and to treat your neighbor as yourself as you are known to do.
We miss you RVF, and we thank God for you all in every prayer.
Grace & Peace,
The Staff & Elders of Rogue Valley Fellowship
If you have any questions here is how you can contact us:
Church number: (541) 773-4993
General inquiries: info@rvfchurch.org
You can also find staff email addresses on our website https://rvf.church